Fostering an animal means that a street dog or cat can finally rest and recuperate at its own pace with love, care, and attention.
On occasion, volunteers, local Dominicans and Haitians, and even tourists encounter dogs and cats that have been abandoned, poisoned, severely injured or are in varying states of dehydration and starvation. These animals usually require a veterinarian consultation and often a period of extended rehabilitation. When possible, the animals are returned to their owners with medications and instructions provided by DCDR. However, there are times when this is not possible nor in the best interest of the animal. This is when a foster home can offer the best chance for recuperation and often survival.
Einstein as found on the streets
Einstein after foster care
Fostering an animal means that the Coconut Hound or Coconut Cat can rest and recuperate at its own pace with love, care, and attention. Many animals, particularly those that are free-roaming, find a kennel environment to be highly stressful thus inhibiting their ability to recover. A foster home not only offers an oasis to the traumatized animal, but even helps them to learn behaviors that may increase their chances to be placed in a forever home. Learning to trust a gentle hand, play with toys and other animals, walk on a leash, and respect the home environment are all acquired skills. If you are able to open your heart and home to foster a dog or cat, please let us know. In the Dominican Republic, DCDR will cover all the expenses in regards to the foster including food and vet bills. On occasion we are in need of temporary foster homes in Canada. Unfortunately, do to current restrictions on sending animals to the United States we are not in need of fosters in that country.
Bumbles and Rumpus were 2 very sickly puppies that took months to recover in a foster home.
Today they are living great lives in their forever homes in the United States.
Depending on your preferences we can set you up with an animal that needs some assistance, an animal that is recovered and just waiting to get a forever home, a puppy, a kitten, an adult dog or cat, small or large. We will tailor your request to the animals we have available. If you are interested in fostering a Coconut Hound or Coconut Cat or have questions about the process email us at
Adopted to the United States
Adopted to Canada
Adopted in Dominican Republic
We have many wonderful animals, through no fault of their own, who are in need of a home where they can be loved and have the life they deserve. Despite sometimes coming from horrendous conditions, our adopters tell us time and time again what amazing animals these Coconut Hounds and Coconut Cats are. Known for being highly intelligent (you'd have to be in order to survive on the streets of the D.R.), they are also known to be tranquil, appreciative of affection, and very loyal. If you would be interested in adopting one of these great animals, check out our adoption page at the link below or email